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Parcel Monitoring & Notifications

The Geo Web's partial common ownership land market gives licensors 7 days to respond to incoming bids. To help avoid missing the response window after a rival bid (or any other parcel activity), we strongly suggest setting up notification emails for all the parcels in your portfolio.

The Cadastre now includes a simple feature & instructions to set up Optimistic Etherscan's Watch List functionality to monitor all of your Geo Web parcels:


An Optimistic Etherscan account is required to use this functionality. If you don't have one yet, you can sign up for one here:

Use an email that you regularly monitor!

  1. Navigate to the Geo Web parcel that you want to monitor.
  2. Click the Notification Add icon in the parcel panel header.

Set up email notifcations from the parcel details panel

  1. Follow the onscreen instructions to add the parcel's BeaconDiamond contract address to your Optimisitic Etherscan Watch List.

The Superfluid Dashboard & Console are other great tools to track and visualize your Geo Web parcels + streams.

Warning: Don't manually cancel your streams on the Superfluid Dashboard or your parcels will go into foreclosure!