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Spatial Browsing

A Geo Web spatial browser is like a traditional web browser, but without a URL bar. It uses GPS (or suitable navigation system alternatives and sensors) to determine the user's location and then renders the corresponding land parcel's digital content.

A key attribute of Geo Web spatial browsers is that they enable arbitrary multimedia content display and use cases. The "browser window" can take the form of a blank white canvas on a screen (for "flat" content) or a transparent lens (for AR/VR content). Spatial browsers will run across different device types and operating systems as web browsers do today.

We've become accustomed to switching between apps or ceding control to an AI assistant to get anything done on our smartphones. Not only is this user experience not conducive to a seamless spatial computing experience, but it results in outsized control and profits to the smartphone OS duopoly of Apple & Google.

As we move deeper into the next generation of smart devices (glasses, heads-up displays, embedded, etc), we must do better. We can return to the open and permissionless roots that made the Web and the internet so powerful. With a spatial browser, Geo Web users will move through the world and interact with all the network has to offer without downloading a different proprietary app every minute or serving as a cog in the attention economy.

Like the Cadastre, we've developed an initial prototype, but we don't intend for it to be the only spatial browser. Fostering competition in the browser space is especially important to our open vision.

As with any sufficiently large network, there will be extractive content and activity on the Geo Web. The Geo Web protocols will expose information^1 for users to make informed, proactive decisions about the content they wish to interact with, but those decisions should take place at the point of user interaction—the browser. Different spatial browsers can compete by offering advanced tools and configurability that help their users craft their desired Geo Web experience.


^1 Publisher reputation, content type categories (e.g. passive, interactive, advertisement), and land ownership details are all examples of information that provide helpful context for users to make content filtering decisions. We believe that economic disincentives can be layered on top of this information to enforce compliance with objective network rules and create prosocial, positive-sum interactions between publishers and users.