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Geo Web Principles

Last Update: May 23, 2024

The Geo Web vision is to create infinite games of positive-sum coordination at the intersection of our digital and physical realities.

The project was founded to solve a specific coordination challenge—how digital information and media that augments the physical world can be credibly, openly, and productively organized for shared human experiences.

It's emblematic that our solution to this initial challenge, partial common ownership property rights, is most effective (and potentially uniquely feasible) when channeling the resulting protocol revenue toward compounding the public good.

We believe that the physical-digital intersection at which the Geo Web sits provides especially fertile conditions for spurring public goods innovation. Software's infinite scalability and programmability come into contact with the physical constraints of the universe and the "way things have always been done."

Idealism meets pragmatism. Abundance meets scarcity. Potential meets necessity.

We believe the resulting balance(s) can produce positive, shared economic outcomes without losing sight of the values, relationships, and people that bring meaning to Earthly endeavors.

We intend to explore this path long into the future. But, it really only works if more choose to join us.

So, we present the following principles as a working foundation (i.e., changes are expected; feedback is encouraged) for our collaborative journey:

  1. Public Good: The physical-digital reality of the Geo Web is only created and sustained through collective agreement and coordination. Therefore, the Geo Web network shall always remain a public good—collectively owned, available for use, and leveraged for the benefit of all.
  2. Credible Neutrality: Complete neutrality is not possible nor truly desirable if differences in needs, perspectives, and capabilities—along with corrections for judged coordination failures—are acknowledged. The Geo Web network shall not discriminate for or against any specific participant but will provide clear, verifiable mechanisms for interaction and decision-making that are broadly accepted as unbiased.
  3. Participatory Governance: Decentralized information processing (i.e. decision-making) is the fairest and most effective tool for navigating infinite games. The Geo Web network shall attempt to incorporate diverse perspectives, needs, and desires by empowering broad governance participation. It will leverage democratic mechanisms that allow individuals to effectively express their preferences.
  4. Egalitarianism: Networked software can create abundance that naturally tends toward concentrated power and wealth. Centralizing forces compound and can ultimately undermine the legitimacy and value of the network. Therefore, the Geo Web network shall optimize for widely distributed opportunities, mutually beneficial cooperation, and plural outcomes.
  5. User-Centric: Technology users have diverse preferences and goals. Their adoption of the Geo Web gives the actions of contributors, creators, and land licensors meaning on the network. The network will prioritize users' informed individual control in their experience and strengthen their collective voice to support adoption.
  6. Permissionlessness: Gatekeepers and bottlenecks create inefficiency and stifle competition at scale. Therefore, the Geo Web shall seek to develop new, more effective, and more efficient mechanisms for participants to permissionlessly create, receive, and share value on the network.